Volupta - its the powerful natural gel, which with the regular use gives effekt of the simultaneous reaching of the rapid and powerful peak of pleasure with the sexual contacts.
Its improbably importantly in family life. Boredom in the personal and conjugal life became intolerable both for the men and for the women.
Sexuality more and more greatly is represented as required stage on the way to happiness. 91% of all adult inhabitants of the earth live by the pairs creating of family or extramarital unit. By statistics third of all pairs are decomposed. Studies established that to that there is it is several the reasons: poor mutual understanding (17%), financial problems (27%), a difference in interests (12%) and inharmonious sexual relations (44%). It is obvious that the last reason is most extended. Man and woman can return harmony to their family.
This is Volupta effective and harmony support in the solution of the problems of intimate contact. Today all sexsopatologists, gynecologists and urologists of all world in the fact that the orgasm is very important. It is not simple pleasure, not only the health of partners, after this stands something much larger.
This is Volupta effective and harmony support in the solution of the problems of intimate contact. Today all sexsopatologists, gynecologists and urologists of all world in the fact that the orgasm is very important. It is not simple pleasure, not only the health of partners, after this stands something much larger.
Sexual energy is the most powerful energy of the universe. It it energy of life! If there is no exchange of it between the partners, if sexual contact is inferior, then child conceived with this contact, will prove to be weak and imperfect. Even if pair approached the conception of child seriously, but at this time woman did not obtain orgasm, then she at the bioenergetic level did not place into this child very and very much.
Volupta is social product. Its upplay they will encourage partners to frankly discuss their relations, what it is not frequently sufficient to husbands for the solution of the problems of intimate life. Although the times in “the darkness and under the blanket” depart to the past, is far from always is to have a posibility talk in pair about that which not so or that could be better. Furthermore, women, which with the age or for other reasons perceive indisposition, under the action of fears and complexes, seems better to remain in private with their problems.